Lecture 11: Factories & Transforming How We Paint

September 14, 2012

Ambient temperature: 74.8oF Concepts If you use reflection to instantiate a class, you must check that the constructor takes the correct amount of arguments, and that they are of the type your code expects them to be. Dr. Wong discovered that in Java 7, the behavior of Java Reflection’s Class.forName( class_name ).getConstructors() method changed, depending […]

Lab 03: MVC Implementation

September 11, 2012

Dr. Wong began the lab by asking who had already implemented MVC in their HW02 solution. Most people responded that they had. It seems this lab will focus on MVC and miscellaneous tips regarding HW03. Concepts There are two approaches to implementing adapters in the context of MVC. Dr. Wong reminds us that, in the […]