Lecture 35: Design Almost Post-Mortem


  1. Meeting tonight to practice chatting. 7:00pm. Location TBA, meet outside DH 1064 (where we normally have class).
  2. Owlspace polls are closed. No official design decisions were made. de facto design decision is therefore no changes to the interface.
  3. Most of the salient points happen in the in-class discussions. It is likely to be this way for the rest of the year.


  1. Lecture 35 webpage: http://www.clear.rice.edu/comp310/f12/
  2. Polls on Owlspace: https://owlspace-ccm.rice.edu/portal/site/COMP-310-F12/page/218d0c21-9305-43ca-b542-fb96d1b53f4c