Lab10: ChatApp Design & Simple Threads

November 6, 2012

Concepts Java GUIs run in their own single thread. RMI runs in its own single thread. Your code will run in a third thread of its own. When communicating between threads, either through data accesses or function calls, you need to be careful. Java has provided a super-simple way to guarantee that any operation you […]

Lab 08: RMI Setup

October 23, 2012

Concepts Don’t run on the “Rice Visitor” network Make sure that the following ports are opened on your machines: 2001, 2002, 2099 through 2102 The first 10 minutes were lecture, the rest was “practice setting up RMI with someone else in the lab.” Resources Lab 08 webpage:

Lecture 26: More RMI

October 22, 2012

Ambient Temperature: 74.4oF Concepts More explanation of the RMI infrastructure. If you are off-campus you must use VPN before you’ll be able to connect to an on-campus partner. If you are behind your own router, you will have to make sure that you forward the appropriate ports to your computer. public <Type> Type executeTask(ITask<Type> _task) […]

Lecture 25: Remote Method Invocation

October 19, 2012

Ambient temperature: 73.4oF Concepts Remote Method Invocation (RMI): What if your adapters in the MVC architecture took their input, schlepped it across a network to another computer, talked to an object on that computer, got its response, and schlepped it back across the network to you, instead of the simple wrappers around the model or view that they’ve […]