Lecture 25: Remote Method Invocation

October 19, 2012

Ambient temperature: 73.4oF Concepts Remote Method Invocation (RMI): What if your adapters in the MVC architecture took their input, schlepped it across a network to another computer, talked to an object on that computer, got its response, and schlepped it back across the network to you, instead of the simple wrappers around the model or view that they’ve […]

Lecture 13: Command-Driven Dispatching

September 21, 2012

Ambient Temperature: 73.2oF Concepts Dr. Wong explains how proper MVC design facilitates launching ballworld as a Java Applet, by showing how the demo pages’ code was set up and invoked. Dr. Wong demonstrates “Infection Balls,” “Eating Balls,” and “Bouncing Balls” as part of the command-driven ballworld demo. Some pool halls have cue balls that are […]

MVC Explained

September 11, 2012

Still struggling with MVC? Perhaps an alternate explanation will help… Stanford University’s CS193P class’s Lecture 1 slides 11-37 provide a nicely illustrated overview of MVC: http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs193p/cgi-bin/drupal/system/files/lectures/Lecture%201_1.pdf Open those slides up, then we’ll go through them and relate their elements to elements of HW02 and HW03. Adapters a component in some implementations of the MVC design […]

Lab 03: MVC Implementation

September 11, 2012

Dr. Wong began the lab by asking who had already implemented MVC in their HW02 solution. Most people responded that they had. It seems this lab will focus on MVC and miscellaneous tips regarding HW03. Concepts There are two approaches to implementing adapters in the context of MVC. Dr. Wong reminds us that, in the […]

Lecture 08: Connecting the Pieces

September 7, 2012

Ambient Temperature: 73.5oF Concepts Pre-Game Show: Join the Hacker Games with your @rice.edu e-mail for a not-quite-normal computer contest. “The world is bigger than Microsoft, Amazon, and Google,” so consider interning or working for other companies, too. When the “is-a” relationship of inheritance truly exists, it is acceptable to have a concrete sub-class of a […]

Lab 02: Animation

September 4, 2012

Concepts Don’t ever call paintComponent or new Graphics(…); because they are provided for you by Java’s graphics framework, which is exists before your code starts running and whose purpose is to make it easier for us to do graphics. Model-View-Cotroller[2]Design Pattern: The “Model” knows what your program is, and what its state is. The “View” knows […]