2-3-4 Trees

October 10, 2012

Ambient temperature: 73.8oF Concepts 2-3-4 tree theory and implementation, slides 1 -> 17. Identify the invariant properties of the data structure, and build variant behaviors with them. Quotes “Imagine a really big Christmas tree sitting on a little spike on the bottom, maybe you’re cheap and buy a really little spike on the bottom, you […]

Lecture 07: Ballworld Design

September 5, 2012

Ambient Temperature: 73.8oF Concepts Separating the Invariant from the Variant. “Invariant” properties (and methods) live in the (abstract) superclass. Anything you put in AShape must satisfy the statement “All shapes everywhere forever have a ________.” Things that can be invariant include (but are not necessarily limited to) a method’s presence, a field’s presence, a method’s […]