Lecture 35: Design Almost Post-Mortem

November 12, 2012

Concepts Meeting tonight to practice chatting. 7:00pm. Location TBA, meet outside DH 1064 (where we normally have class). Owlspace polls are closed. No official design decisions were made. de facto design decision is therefore no changes to the interface. Most of the salient points happen in the in-class discussions. It is likely to be this […]

Lab10: ChatApp Design & Simple Threads

November 6, 2012

Concepts Java GUIs run in their own single thread. RMI runs in its own single thread. Your code will run in a third thread of its own. When communicating between threads, either through data accesses or function calls, you need to be careful. Java has provided a super-simple way to guarantee that any operation you […]

Lecture 32: ChatApp Design

November 5, 2012

Ambient Temperature: 74.3oF Concepts Dr. Wong’s talking points: Mini-MVCs: Consider making an MVC for a “chat room,” and then having your ChatApp add those MVCs as you join chat rooms. This could be a helpful delegation of tasks in your design. Equality of Stubs: When you call .equals() on a Stub, there’s no guarantee that […]

Lecture 31: ChatApp Interfaces

November 2, 2012

Ambient Temperature: 75.5oF Concepts How to Design Software Use Cases: Talk to your user(s) and find out what they want the application to do. When that’s done, you know what tasks your application must be able to accomplish in order to satisfy the user. These will not be phrased in terms of code at all, […]

Lecture 30: Chat Program Interfaces

October 31, 2012

Ambient Temperature 74.9oF Concepts The lecture webpage lists several desirable features of a given piece of software: Minimal and Complete: “Strive for the minimum number of methods that for a complete set, enabling all required operations to be performed.” Convenience methods that are composed of other functions in the interface do not belong in the […]

Lab09: ChatApp Design

October 30, 2012

Concepts Creately online spec design Design Code Goto step 1 When done, export it as an image, and post it to the Lab09 wiki. After about 20 minutes of lecture, we broke into groups to do steps 1 and 2 above. Resources Lab09 webpage: http://www.clear.rice.edu/comp310/f12/labs/lab09/ Creately online spec design software: http://creately.com COMP310 Owlspace Wiki Home: https://owlspace-ccm.rice.edu/portal/site/COMP-310-F12/page/57ffcbae-4fb2-4126-8976-734432cce374

Lecture 29: Use Cases and ChatApp API Design

October 29, 2012

Ambient Temperature: 73.8oF Concepts The class will be collaborating to design some of API for HW08. This is the API that will be used to communicate between the ChatApp programs of you an your classmates. But first, we’ll review the Data Packet and extended generic visitor architecture from Lecture 28. We will need to produce […]