Lecture 12 Part 2: Factories and Superclasses as Service Providers

September 19, 2012

Ambient temperature: 73.2oF Concepts Systems with prototypes do not care where the prototypes come from, so long as they have one. Have a “IPrototypeShapeFactory” hierarchy that can produce the prototype (size ~ 1.0 units) of any kind of shape, when you need it. Polygon and Image factories cannot store a unit-sized prototype; they will instead […]

Lecture 10: Faking out the GUI with Factories

September 12, 2012

Ambient temperature: 74.9oF Concepts  We have learned two of the Four Pillars of Abstraction from the Lecture Webpage. Go read them. Abstract Structure was demonstrated with various types of Balls inheriting from ABall,and us writing code only for ABalls. Abstract Behavior was demonstrated by the “Strategies” that we will use in Homework 3 to make […]