Lecture 16: More of Lecture 15 (Collisions)

September 28, 2012

Ambient temperature: 73.5oF Concepts It is entirely possible to make incorrect design decisions, and these can fairly easily be identified. However, there are often multiple correct answers to a given design decision, and it is not always clear-cut which one is best. Dr. Wong implies that it is not as important to choose the best […]

Lecture 15: Collisions

September 26, 2012

Ambient temperature: 73.8oF Concepts Remember perfectly inelastic collisions from high-school physics? You’re gonna need them. Or not, as Dr. Wong has prepared all of the equations and code for you. Stop, think, and talk about your design decisions. Most importantly, make design decisions. Quotes “Bro, my view frustum won’t permit that.” – Student Resources Lecture 15 […]