Even More 2-3-4 Trees

October 17, 2012

Ambient temperature: 74.1oF Concepts Q&A session about HW06 Don’t confuse “ticks per quarter note” with “ticks per default note.” Don’t fret over tuplets. 2-3-4 Trees: Deletion Heuristics (slides 21 -> end). Basically, “Push the element to delete down to child nodes, until it is at a leaf node. Then, just remove it.” That allows you […]

2-3-4 Trees Continued

October 15, 2012

Ambient Temperature: 72.9oF Concepts 2-3-4 Tree Powerpoint, slides 18 -> 20 When implementing a self-balancing 2-3-4 tree (or any complex data structure, for that matter), think before you code. Take the time to devise solutions that decouple interfaces from implementation, and that separate the variant and invariant behaviors. When applying code to those solutions, again […]

2-3-4 Trees

October 10, 2012

Ambient temperature: 73.8oF Concepts 2-3-4 tree theory and implementation, slides 1 -> 17. Identify the invariant properties of the data structure, and build variant behaviors with them. Quotes “Imagine a really big Christmas tree sitting on a little spike on the bottom, maybe you’re cheap and buy a really little spike on the bottom, you […]