HW08 Public API

I completed HW08 on the morning of Saturday, November 2nd, 10 days before its original due date. I made the mistake of not presenting the interface in class, instead waiting for the rest of the class to propose solutions, as well. Nobody did. As a result, Dr. Wong gave us the previous year’s interface, and was forced to issue an extension on the homework. Future COMP310 classes; do not make this mistake.

I do not yet have a working reference implementation for the new interface.

The following interface was my original creation, 10 days in advance. is used by a working implementation of the chat client. I’ve set up several rooms at macbeth.us.to; feel free to drop in and say hi!

Click here for the JavaDoc of the  interface in use.

Click here to download the interface .java files, documentation, and instructions.

Click here to download a JAR file of a working reference implementation.

Click here to run the reference implementation as a Java Applet.

Happy chatting!

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