Lecture 34: ChatApp “Finalization”

Ambient Temperature: Unknown; thermometer battery low.


  1. HW08 extension: HW08 is now due by class time on Wednesday, November 14th.
  2. Dr. Wong offers to have evening office hours on Monday, November 12th, to assist with testing and debugging the final project.
  3. Class design decisions:
    1. The receiver of a data packet MUST be able to determine who sent the data packet. To accomplish this, Data Packets will contain the user that sent them.
    2. ICmd2ModelAdapter will remain unchanged.



  1. Lecture 34 webpage: http://www.clear.rice.edu/comp310/f12/lectures/lec34/
  2. Threading in Java: http://www.clear.rice.edu/comp310/JavaResources/threads.html