Even More 2-3-4 Trees

Ambient temperature: 74.1oF


  1. Q&A session about HW06
    1. Don’t confuse “ticks per quarter note” with “ticks per default note.”
    2. Don’t fret over tuplets.
  2. 2-3-4 Trees: Deletion Heuristics (slides 21 -> end). Basically, “Push the element to delete down to child nodes, until it is at a leaf node. Then, just remove it.” That allows you to keep the tree balanced while doing the deletion.


  1. Homework 06 webpage: http://www.clear.rice.edu/comp310/f12/assignments/hw06/
  2. 2-3-4 Tree Powerpoint: http://www.clear.rice.edu/comp310/f12/lectures/lec21/DP4SBT.ppt